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Find the step by step instructions on how to get the absolutely lowest price deal on Bluehost.com web hosting service. 

Before you start, make sure you are using a browser that does not block ads. Or turn off pop-up ad blocking for the duration of this sign up session. Clear all your cache from the browser before starting. (Do this by pressing Crtl + Shift + Del, or going to your browser settings and clear browsing data and cache.)

Step 1:

Open Bluehost.com and click on "Get Started"

Step 2:

Click on the "Basic Plan" and hit "Select"

(Don't worry about the pricing here. The lower price will show up in step 5)

Step 3:

Type in the new domain name or existing domain name you want to use and hit Next.

Step 4:

Scroll down and uncheck any extra added services.

Step 5:

This is the magic step! Move your mouse cursor towards the top right corner of your browser. Don't click on anything. Just hover your mouse around that area and a pop-up ad will show up. 

Step 6:

Click on Claim Savings. You should see an offer from Bluehost, offering you the lowest price possible of just $2.65/month for your hosting service. 

Congratulations. You are on your way to getting the best hosting services and the lowest price possible through Bluehost.com.



The fear of poking one's own eye out
arachnophobia is to fear of spiders, as autooptopokephobia is to the fear of poking one's own eye out.


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