
4 Tips for Going Through Chemo Chemotherapy for Cancer (you are not alone)


What is Mesothelioma? 

cancer cure mesothelioma

Per wikipedia.com, Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that develops from the thin layer of tissue that covers many of the internal organs. The most common area affected is the lining of the lungs and chest wall. Less commonly the lining of the abdomen and rarely the sac surrounding the heart, or the sac surrounding the testis may be affected

 Every year, the National Cancer Institute estimates that more than 1,600,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with some type of cancer. And, of those, at least 1/3 of them will eventually die from the disease. What that means is that there are millions of people living with cancer, getting treatments of various types on a regular basis. Many of those are getting what is called chemotherapy where strong anti-cancer drugs are put into the body to kill the cancer. The problem is, most chemo drugs also kill regular cells at the same time. During the process, many of the patients become very ill, and some actually die from the chemo, rather than the cancer. Here are some valuable tips on surviving chemo care to help those that are having a tough time.

Before you get started on any type of treatments, you should take the time to do some research online about the particular kind of cancer you’ve been diagnosed with. If at all possible, go see a second doctor and get another opinion on the different treatment options that are available. Even if you think that the first doctor is most likely the best, getting another opinion will either reaffirm that belief or get you started looking at other options. You’ll at least get some peace of mind.

While you’re on the internet, join one of the many cancer help forums that are available there. There are generic cancer and chemo care forums and there are plenty of specific forums that pertain to exact types of cancer. There you’ll be able to read the posts of other people from all over the world that are suffering from the exact kind of affliction you are and see what problems, side effects, misdiagnosis, and other things they are going through. If nothing else, there is tons of advice and getting through the chemotherapy that you can use as well.

Many types of chemo will cause hair loss, nausea, aches, pains, dizziness, fatigue, and hundreds of other side effects. While every person is different, there are going to be similarities and other people will have found solutions to some of the side effects. For instance, many people have found that getting medical marijuana, or taking cannabinoid supplements can help eliminate the nausea associated with chemo. By reading the forums you’ll know which kind of medical marijuana works, and those that don’t. You won’t have to waste time and money experimenting on your own to find what works.

Most people probably don’t realize it, but with some kinds of chemotherapy, you can’t get your teeth cleaned and you’ll be getting mouth sores. Well, if you read the forums you’ll know, and you can find out what kind of toothpaste and mouthwash works the best. You’ll also know where to find the best wigs to wear if your hair is going to fall out and about how many days before it happens so you can be prepared mentally. Sometimes the best chemo care is going to involve skin lotion to moisten dry skin, or lip balm to soothe cracked lips and by visiting the forums you can know what to expect and where to get the best products before it happens and you’re too tired to go to the store. One of the great things about the internet is it can bring people together to offer solutions that would be difficult to figure out on your own in a short amount of time.

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